Rebecca and Kate do Costa Rica: Mission Accomplished.

31 July 2007

I love Kate from Wager Profits

I love Kate from Wager Profits

Never have I laughed, smiled, enjoyed good company and enjoyed life as much as I did this past weekend in Costa Rica. I am officially in love with this country and with my friends that live there. I am even more in love with Wager Profits, one of the friendliest, most sincere and most promising affiliate programs in the industry. Walking into the Wager Profits office was such a welcoming experience and spending a weekend in Tamarindo with Kate, Wager Profits' Affiliate Director and Diego, one of her affiliate managers, was a treat beyond explanation. I also must thank the Chipleader entourage for some serious representation on Thursday night at Club Prive, along with my Swedes from Poker Host, several friends from Pitbull Poker, Rob from Pentasia, Nicolas from Gambling Wages (even though the mean bouncers wouldn't let him in) and Simon Eaton, a brand in itself. For those of you who have yet to experience the wonders of Costa Rica, you are truly missing out, but perhaps I can convince you to book a flight after reading through my highlights below.

The dangerous all night crew

The dangerous all night crew

Pulling an all-nighter is a guarantee.
What trip to Costa Rica would be complete without pulling an all-nighter? Apparently none as I have managed to do so every single time I have visited the country. This time around Kate and I stayed out all night with her boss Erik (Swedish, of course), Ray the Wager Profits' meat loving Tico, and the infamous Magnus from Poker Host. This dangerous crew kept us out until one hour before we were expected at the airport on Friday morning. We did make the flight, but we most certainly left behind some is amazing that I can remember my huge suitcase full of clothes but cannot remember my hand bag full of everything that I absolutely need on a daily basis. I blame this on the Swedes.

The microscopic plane to Tamarindo

The microscopic plane to Tamarindo

I can sleep anywhere.
Due to the fact we chose to pull an all-nighter prior to our Tamarindo flight, I decided that sleeping on the microscopic plane would be a nice and attractive idea. The seats on these small domestic flights are so tiny and low that I had to lean back and let the base of my neck rest on the top of the seat. Like I said, nice and attractive. Really comfortable when we hit turbulence, let me tell you. We finally made it to the hotel around 10am, but naturally our rooms were not ready, so I crashed out on the hammock by the pool for several hours. Oh, and I almost forgot...on Saturday night, after a late night drunken swim in our hotel pool, I decided it would be a nice idea to sleep on one of the restaurant benches as opposed to my bed. Good thing security kicked me out before the other guests came down for breakfast.

The French Canadians take over

The French Canadians take over

Out with the old, in with the new.
Tamarindo has a rockin' nightlife. Tamarindo also has a rockin' clientele. While roaming the beach in the day and the bars at night we came across countless nationalities, wild hair styles, sexy surfer clothing, and very friendly personalities. This beach is full of young people and some of the best looking men I have ever seen in my life- I'm telling you ladies, THIS is where they have been hiding. In particular, in lieu of the usual Swedish companionship, we came across some French Canadians who spiced up our evening with shots, vodka cranberries, French Canadian accents, and violent water gun fights. Parfait.

Kate got dreads!
In true Tamarindo spirit, Kate decided to dread her hair. Ok fine. So maybe it just happened because we left all our toiletries behind in San Jose, but still, the dreads were more than appropriate for our surfer beach and surfer boy surroundings. Sadly, Kate decided to cut them out the moment we returned to her apartment, but they were nice while they lasted.

Tasty tequila

Tasty tequila

I love tequila.
It doesn't matter what kind. It doesn't matter where. It doesn't matter how many. I love tequila, and so does Kate. This fabulous little drink mysteriously appeared at Prive on Thursday night, thanks to one of the owners and Tomas from Poker Host, and reappeared again at the bars on the beach, thanks to the French Canadians. Both nights made my list of "best nights ever", so I must thank my good friend Tequila for his assistance.

I learned a new slang word.
"Pollination". It's a good one, isn't it? There are so many damn bees in Costa Rica. The beauty of this word is that it can be used in several contexts, in regards to bees and even in regards to human behavior. Also, even though this slang word has a South African decent, try saying it with a French Canadian accent...even better.

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