Intertops Poker, Juicy Stakes sending another player to CAPT Seefeld

26 January 2016

(PRESS RELEASE) -- A third series of online satellites sending winners to CAPT Seefeld begins Wednesday at Intertops Poker and Juicy Stakes.

The next champion will join two other online satellite winners that have already won their way to the €800K Austrian poker tournament.

The winner of the satellite tournament series will receive a $3,200 prize package to play in the CAPT Seefeld Main Event from Feb. 23-29. The prize package includes buy-in to the CAPT Seefeld Main Event (€2,160), four nights at a premium hotel, and $500 toward travel expenses.

Players can win their way to Austria with just an initial $2.20 buy-in or buy-in at any stage of the three-tier series. Several daily Step 1 tournaments, with a buy-in of only $2 + $.20, begin Wednesday and continue until Feb. 6. The final will be Feb. 7.

CAPT Seefeld, with its estimated €800,000 in prize money, is one of the CAPT Big Four. Last year, an Intertops online satellite champion won his way to CAPT Velden and made it to the final table. Last fall, more online tournament winners competed in a live tournament in the Caribbean.

"I've been to some great places playing poker," said Daniel Montagnolli, an Innsbruck local who won his way to CPT Punta Cana at Intertops and will be joining other winners in Seefeld. "This time it's cool to have the poker world come to ME!"

Online players like Daniel share their live tournament experiences on the Living the Dream blog, which will have daily video reports from Seefeld from Feb. 23-28.

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