Back to Casino City...The real story behind the move

29 April 2008

Surprise! Yes, the rumors are true. I am back. Back with the Casino City and GPWA team, back on the affiliate side of the business, back to writing, and back to traveling the world. So let me think I am a sellout? You think I couldn't handle the "dark side"? You think Everest is evil and scary? Wrong, wrong and wrong. Absence makes the heart grow fonder, my friends. It is amazing how the things that used to drive me nuts at this place had a great deal to do with my return. While I do greatly respect and miss my friends at Everest Affiliates, as I sit here in the exact same office with the exact same PC I had before my temporary departure, I could not be happier with my decision. So you think I'm out of my mind? Not exactly. Here are the real reasons why I came back to the Casino City world.

Gambling 911's snapshot of Rebecca and Brad Pitt

Gambling 911's snapshot of Rebecca and Brad Pitt

Gambling 911 Articles
Now how many of you can safely say that you have been profiled in multiple Gambling 911 articles? Calvin? Jenny? Brad Pitt? Sparky? Anyone else? I didn't think so. The Gambling 911 team has proven to be quite "generous" with and general "Rebecca" exposure throughout my career with Casino City. In fact, I sent an email to Chris Costigan several weeks ago containing the following words: "I am leaving Everest and going back to Casino City". His response to me: "I knew it". His response to the world: "Rebecca Liquero Back at Casino City". Very intuitive Chris and Peyton, thank you.

Hand Carrying Boxes and Booths on Airplanes
There is something about a family owned business, such as Casino City, that makes it OK to hand carrying boxes and booths on the airplane. It's almost touching, really. So what if customs stops us every what if we have trouble wheeling 700 pounds worth of GPWA magazines and directories through a busy what if our booth from 1985 causes a scene at the baggage claim. It's all part of the Casino City experience, and it's all for the good of the company. Refreshing, isn't it?

Eric, my Swedish love with a faux hawk

Eric, my Swedish love with a faux hawk

Working with Eric, My Permanent Swedish Love
Most of the Swedes I know might come and go, but Eric is as loyal as they come. It was love at first sight, I tell you. I knew from the first moment of his first interview that we could quite possibly take over the online gaming world together...and then I left him. What fun these past four months must have been! During my brief hiatus, Eric assumed the work of about 19 people and even grew a faux hawk during the process. Eric, you have finally been saved! Eric and I are back together, and you can feel the magic between us at the upcoming Poker Conference and CAP Spring Break in Cyprus, our first public appearance since the temporary separation.

Steven and Michael Corfman, the ultimate duo

Steven and Michael Corfman, the ultimate duo

Father and Son Duo
Which one is Michael? Which one is Steven? Who is the father? Who is the son? Some of us will never know...but does it even really matter? Michael Corfman and his son Steven are carbon copies of one another. Twins! Behavioral exact matches! You should see the passion and emotion when they discuss the GPWA! This is a phenomenon not to be missed by anyone, and now that I'm back, I get to witness the miracle on a daily basis in the Casino City office. You too can witness the miracle when visiting the GPWA booth at our next major trade show. No, you are not still drunk from the night before, no you are not seeing double. They really do look the same.

Josh, Jacqui and Becca having fun

Josh, Jacqui and Becca having fun

Conference Attendance and "The Fun People"
Ok, lets be honest. We all know that I need an excuse to talk with affiliate managers all day long and call it work. We also know that I should be present at every major online gaming conference as networking might be my ultimate purpose in life. Now that I'm back with Casino City, I can go to the conferences and I can spend every waking moment with affiliate managers and online gaming operators. See how this works? Now everyone is happy. Yes, I love it. Who gets paid to talk to the fun people? I do!

Timo, Caroline and Aleksi, my upcoming Monaco crew

Timo, Caroline and Aleksi, my upcoming Monaco crew

Free Sh*t
Yes, I know, you knew this one was coming. We are all very aware that as an affiliate in the online gaming industry, as an author who profiles conferences, fun trips, and events, and most importantly, as a fairly young female, I get a lot of free sh*t. Nights out with Dennis Rodman, pictures taken with Ron Jeremy, trips to Costa Rica, New Zealand, and the Caribbean, fancy dinners at Michelin rated restaurants, unnecessarily large fruit baskets, brand new cars, houses, private jets, first born name it, I've received it. Next on my list is a weekend in Monaco during the Grand Prix with Caroline from Redbet and the infamous ice throwing Fins, Aleksi and Timo. Time to do some serious clothes Boston gear certainly won't cut it in Monaco.

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